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Arrival/Dismissal Procedures

Our goal is to keep our students safe! Please observe the following rules when dropping off and picking up your child:

  1. NEVER park and/or leave your car on Alexander Rd. and West 222 St. when dropping off/picking up your child.
  2. NEVER double-park on Alexander Rd. and West 222 St.
  3. NEVER drop off or pick up your child on West 220 St. This is extremely dangerous.
  4. NEVER use the back parking lot to drop off or pick up your child – this is for buses only.
  5. NEVER use the front parking lot to drop off or pick up your child – this is for Special Transportation only.
  6. Students should enter and exit cars ONLY when they are in the curb lane.
  7. Do NOT allow your child to walk between parked cars and buses to get to your vehicle.
  8. Use designated crosswalks if you have parked across the street. Jaywalking is unsafe and illegal!

Arrival & Dismissal Map

First page of the PDF file: Arrival-and-Dismissal-Map-21-22